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When it comes to ending hunger in our local communities, we know that the work ahead is not the kind of work we can accomplish alone. With rising food prices and increased demand, it’s going to take all kinds of partners to create a world without hunger — partners like you who are willing to lend a helping hand.

For this reason, we created All Hands on Deck, a unique volunteer opportunity for local organizations to be a part of what we do at River Bend Food Bank. A $10,000 contribution from your organization purchases enough food and packaging supplies to create 300 meal boxes that go directly to pantries that serve seniors, children, and families in our local communities. Once the food and supplies are gathered, you also get the opportunity to volunteer time with your team to pack the boxes for distribution, providing 3,000 meals to people experiencing hunger.

Bush Construction was one of the first to lend a helping hand through an All Hands on Deck event last fall, and their vice president, Amy Simler, shared a few thoughts about the team’s experience.

“We love being a part of this volunteer sponsorship opportunity at River Bend. We used it as one of our annual team-building events, which allowed us to connect to each other while making an impact in our local community,” she says.

“Many Bush team members commented about how little effort it took to make such a big impact – simple ingredients and a few hours of our time resulted in thousands of meals. Also, our people are engineer-minded folks, so people loved the efficiency and order of the process River Bend Food Bank has created. We can’t wait to do it again someday!”

Find out more about lending a hand to this effort by emailing Dorie at, Leslie at or Michelle at

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