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Prospective Partner Information Form

Thank you for your interest in being a partner agency with River Bend Food Bank!

To be eligible, an organization must meet the criteria below. Please review the information and then fill out the Prospective River Bend Food Bank Partner Agency form fields on this page. Once submitted, a member of our team will contact you to discuss partnership.

Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee a partnership. We appreciate your support of our mission to lead the community-wide effort to end hunger in eastern Iowa and western Illinois. We encourage you to explore the many opportunities the community provides to help us in this work.


  • Currently qualifies as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status by the IRS, or meets the IRS criteria for a church
  • Is located and provides services within the 23-county area served by River Bend Food Bank
    • Iowa counties served: Clinton, Dubuque, Jackson, Muscatine, Scott
    • Illinois counties served: Bureau, Carroll, Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Jo Daviess, Knox, LaSalle, Lee, Marshall, McDonough, Mercer, Putnam, Rock Island, Stark, Warren, Whiteside
  • Has provided for people in need for a minimum of six months
  • Does not sell the products nor use the products to raise money for the organization


  • Distributes or provides food on the basis of need, emergency, or illness
  • Does not require individuals to exchange money or services for food
  • Does not exclude individuals from assistance based on race, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability, or political affiliations
  • Does not require attendance at any religious or political meeting before receiving assistance


  • For pantry service, has adequate and secure storage facilities
  • If preparing meals, can provide up-to-date health permits and inspection records and has proper, adequate and secure storage and food preparation facilities


  • Has the capability to meet their financial obligations, including shared maintenance fee and/or co-op purchasing
  • Has the administrative capability to maintain proper record-keeping and to submit monthly reports to River Bend Food Bank

To be considered for partnership with River Bend Food Bank, please fill out and submit the form below. All fields are required.

Questions? Contact our Agency Partnerships department:

Email | 563-345-6490, ext. 2050

    Organization Name *

    Organization Contact *

    Organization Contact Title *

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Phone Number *

    Organization Email Address *

    Street Address *

    Address Line 2

    City *

    State *

    Zip Code *

    County *

    Does your organization have a 501(c)(3) designation? *

    Does your organization have a website and/or social media pages?

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    Please provide link(s) to your website and/or social media channels. *


    When was the organization formed? Please share the exact date or the year and month.*

    What is the mission of your organization? *

    Do you have an active board of directors or mission committee?

    How long has your organization been managing a program to feed people in the community?'

    How does your organization reach out to clients? (Ex: phone calls, flyers) *

    Please share the names of any groups/organizations that you would consider partners of your organizations. *

    Who are your guests? *

    How is your food program funded? *

    What is your food distribution schedule (days and times)? *

    Do you have a budget for your food program? *

    How many people are you currently serving? *

    Are 51% or more of food recipients financially needy? *

    If yes, how is it determined if recipients are needy?

    Please describe your food storage capabilities.

    If you had more resources, how many people do you estimate you could serve? *