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There is no substitute for what a connected community can do, and the community in Dewitt, IA, is no exception to this rule.

Over the holiday season, in addition to the Thanksgiving dinner, the DeWitt Referral Center Food Pantry partners with the Central DeWitt High School National Honor Society who contributes holiday food boxes to people experiencing hunger.

“They did this whole drive and they came in with these food boxes that are the whole deal … dressing, vegetable, fruit, turkey, dessert. It was unreal,” shares Kathleen Ginter, DeWitt Referral Center Food Pantry board member.

These boxes were offered in addition to the regular holiday food boxes supplied by the Food Pantry every holiday season. The regular boxes are packed by the local 4-H and are another example of what we can accomplish together.

Come be a part of what our connected communities can create by donating food, money, or time with River Bend Food Bank over this holiday season.

Every Dollar You Give Makes a Difference