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Words from the CEO

When I was young, I didn’t know much about what it took for my parents to feed the four kids who gathered around the table every night, but what I did know was that there was always enough for all of us.

Enough corned beef hash and bologna, enough powdered milk and eggs, and enough fresh produce from a home garden … not always the most nutritious choices, but what we lacked in nutrition we made up for in memories that have lasted a lifetime.

Over the years, though, I’ve begun to realize that my parents were making choices back then I never even considered: choices between basic necessities that led to nights when they sacrificed their own servings of dinner to be sure there was enough for the kids to eat. Today, as a father myself, I am grateful in ways I can’t express for the sacrifices they made, and it makes my work at River Bend Food Bank meaningful in a very personal way.

I am committed to helping create a world in which people don’t have to make these kinds of choices for every population of people we serve, but I am committed in a special way to the seniors who live in our local communities. Often on a fixed income, seniors are put in impossible positions — not unlike my parents — during a time in their lives where they shouldn’t have to worry about where the next meal is coming from. While my parents have been gone for many years, this is the least I would want for them, and so it is the least I want for the people we serve.

When you partner with us, you make this possible. Every $1 you donate becomes 5 meals that feed people experiencing hunger, and with partners like you, I know that together we can create the kind of world we both want.

Warm wishes,

Chris Ford

See How You Provide Meals and Connection